
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Christmas Traditions with Author and Historian Bill Federer
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Christmas Traditions with Author and Historian Bill Federer
Part 1 Author and historian Bill Federer discusses the meaning behind our Christmas traditions - the Christmas tree, poinsettias, the 25th of December. You are sure to learn about the traditions as we celebrate Christmas, the birth of the Messiah.
Part 2 Christmas Carols and Their Origins. They tell the story of the Gospel - Bill gives us the history and background of these great carols of the faith. - Tune in and tell a friend.
Merry Christmas from the Ohio Christian Alliance!

Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
OCA President on with Bob Frantz discussion election reform legislation Voter Photo ID Requirement

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Statehouse Legislative Update with Greg Lawson of the Buckeye Institute
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Statehouse Legislative Update with Greg Lawson of the Buckeye Institute
HJR 6, proposal to raise the state constitutional amendment passage requirement to 60 percent. OCA President Chris Long and Greg Lawson, Senior Research Fellow at the Buckeye Institute, discuss the merits of the 60 percent proposal for passage of a constitutional amendment on the Ohio ballot. This initiative would have to pass the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate by a supermajority to place it on the May 2023 primary ballot. Pro-abortion interest groups have announced their intention to circulate petitions to advance abortion in the state of Ohio, getting rid of many of Ohio's pro-life laws.
Another lame-duck measure on the fast track is S.B. 178, legislation that would reform the purpose of the State Board of Education and give the Governor more authority with the placement of personnel on the State Board of Education. Greg Lawson discusses the details. Tune in and tell a friend.
Part 2 Encore presentation of Veteran's Day D-Day Prayer Addition Celebration with speakers.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Special Radio Program Veterans Day D-Day Prayer Addition Celebration
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Special Radio Program Veterans Day D-Day Prayer Addition Celebration
Veterans Day D-Day Prayer Addition Celebration in Washington, D.C. at the WWII Memorial was
a Great Success… The D-Day Prayer addition is nearing completion, and we chose Veterans Day in Washington, D.C. to celebrate the prayer’s addition and to thank the many hundreds of people who signed petitions, gave small donations, and supported the effort with their prayers over the years to see the D-Day Prayer Project become a reality. Many thanks to historian Bill Federer, Congressman Bill Johnson, Venturing Crew 1944, Matt and Melanie Miller, Master of Ceremonies Bob Frantz, USMC Chaplain Travis Davis, and all the volunteers who helped make the special day a great event. It is no small thing to add a prayer on the Mall in Washington, D.C. It is for the honor of all our veterans as a testament to their sacrifice and commitment for the cause of freedom.
Joining me to host this program is OCA Board Member Pastor Al Davis.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
HR 8404 The Disrespect Marriage Act with FRC Rep Tim Throckmorton
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
HR 8404 The Disrespect Marriage Act with FRC Rep Tim Throckmorton
From Senator James Lankford: As you may have seen, the Senate voted to invoke cloture on the substitute amendment (#6487) to H.R. 8404 last night. The text of the substitute is attached and substantially similar to previous versions that have circulated. The substitute repeals the Defense of Marriage Act, requires anyone operating under color of state law to provide full faith and credit to any marriage recognized by the state in which it was performed, including same-sex marriages. It provides for enforcement by the Attorney General and a private right of action. The substitute amendment stacks the deck against individuals and entities, who disagree with the bill’s definition of marriage and hold to a traditional view of marriage (including those who hold such views based on their faith), and provides them with no substantial protections.
Part 2 - OCA President Chris Long and Pastor Al Davis discuss the serious challenges resulting from codifying HR 8404 into law. With reports from the Epoch Times, The Heritage Foundation, Alliance Defending Freedom, and Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel.

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Visiting Plymouth on this Thanksgiving, and the true story of the Pilgrims
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Visiting Plymouth on this Thanksgiving, and the true story of the Pilgrims with
Leo and Nancy Martin THE JENNY MUSEUM in Plymouth Massachusetts
In 2001 Leo and Nancy Martin rented what was then called the Jenney Grist Mill in Plymouth. In 2004 they co-founded the organization as a not-for-profit 501 (C) (3) educational charity. With the help of a board of directors, they managed and did business as The Jenney Grist Mill, giving historic tours about the Pilgrims for the next 10 years.
In 2007 they acquired the building they are now located in, at 48 Summer Street, and changed the name to Jenney Museum. Heavily damaged by broken water pipes, they began the long process of renovating the building. In 2013 they vacated the mill, opened the doors to their new location, and began giving tours and doing programs there. In 2020 they will begin their 19th year of educating locals and visitors to the area on the founding of their country. At the Jenney Interpretive Centre, we teach about the Pilgrims and the impact they had on the founding and ongoing development of our country as well as how important it is to learn your history and to teach it to your children.
The www.jenny.org

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Election Returns 2022-The Good the Bad and the Suspicious
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Election Returns 2022-The Good the Bad and the Suspicious
Cleta Mitchell who has been working on election reform over the past few years discusses the continued election mess in the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, and California. Early voting and mail-in ballots allow for voter fraud. In Pennsylvania, they did away with their process of validating their ballots with the voter logs. Ballot harvesting and voter registration with same-day voting in Democratic states are creating a situation in which we do not have fair and just elections. In this broadcast, we share the suspicious voting irregularities in the state of Arizona. At the time of this broadcast, one week after the November 8th Election, Congressional races have still not been called in the states of Colorado, California, and Oregon, as they wait for late mail-in ballots. This is an absolute travesty that the election process is dragging out this long. It is intentional and allows for the meddling of ballots and vote totals. In a Rasmussen poll conducted on November 8th and 9th, 57 percent of those surveyed believed that cheating affects election outcomes. The political left has been creating an atmosphere of confusion and doubt with our election process in recent years. We as Americans must stand up and fight to have fair and accurate elections. Also joining me is Mike Goldstein, a resident of Arizona who is working with local Republicans on election reform issues in the state of Arizona where he now resides. Mike gives us an eyewitness report from Arizona. Keep praying for America.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Max Miller Candidate for Ohio’s 7th Congressional District
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Max Miller Candidate for Ohio's 7th Congressional District
Candidate Forum continues with Max Miller, Candidate for Ohio's 7th Congressional District which includes portions of Cuyahoga, Medina, Wayne, and Holmes Counties. Max Miller served in the Trump Administration as an advisor to President Trump. He also served with the advance team in the Trump Administration when President Trump went to Israel, Japan, and North Korea. Max is a U.S. Marine veteran. He discusses the issues on which he is running in this campaign. Max MIller filled out the Ohio Christian Alliance Candidate Survey; his opponent did not.
Part 2 Adam Kinkade of the American Redistricting Project discusses the process of the redraw of redistricting lines this past year in multiple battleground states in the aftermath of the 2020 Census.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Voting Christian Values with author Steve Feazel
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Voting Christian Values with author Steve Feazel
In his book, Voting Christian Values: Reclaiming Our Moral Heritage, Steve Feazel sounds the alarm for Christians to remember to vote their values and to press through the current fog of spiritual and moral darkness that envelopes our nation by standing on the principles of the Bible and the Constitution.
Christians cannot stand on the sidelines when there is so much at stake in this Election. Tune in and tell a friend.

Sunday Oct 23, 2022
J.R. Majewski - Candidate for the 9th Congressional District
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
J.R. Majewski - Candidate for the 9th Congressional District
Continuing our candidate forum series with J.R. Majewski, candidate for Ohio's 9th Congressional District which includes Erie, Sandusky, Ottowa, Lucas, Fulton, Williams, and Defiance County. J.R. discusses his positions on the issues and why he's running for Congress. J.R. filled out the Ohio Christian Alliance Candidate Survey and can be found in the Ohio Christian Alliance Voter Guide on our website at www.ohioca.org.
Part 2 - Veterans Day D-Day Prayer Addition Celebration at the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Pastor Al Davis and OCA President Chris Long discuss the Veterans Day event in Washington at the WWII Memorial.
The celebration ceremony of the D-Day Prayer at the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Ohio Christian Alliance and Christian Alliance of America at 11:30 a.m. on Veterans Day, will be a time to honor all our veterans and give glory to God. The Christian Alliance of America with Bill Federer will conduct a War Memorials tour, visiting the WWII Memorial, the Circle of Remembrance where the D-Day Prayer is under construction, the Vietnam War Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Korean War Memorial. For information on the charter bus, click here