
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
China and Taiwan pending crisis as Speaker Pelosi visits Island Nation
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
China and Taiwan pending crisis as Speaker Pelosi visits Island Nation
On this News in Focus, we discuss the heightened tensions between the U.S. and China over the visit by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. The strong rhetoric by Chinese officials was quite alarming to many. Here to discuss the visit and the current tension between the United States and China is political analyst Greg Lawson.
Forge is raising up the next generation of conservative leaders in the public square.
Forge Leadership Network mentors, trains, and connects young conservatives, equipping them to lead in politics, culture, and business.
Forge Leadership Network recruits conservative students and young professionals, ages 18-25, wanting to lead in politics, culture, and business. Young adults often ask themselves, what comes next? Through our Leadership Summit and Mentorship Academy, Forge equips students to think about their vocation critically, examine public policy and ethics from a Judeo-Christian worldview, gain practical skills for cultural engagement, and establish connections to launch their careers.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Northeast Ohio Right to Life Director Allie Frazier discusses the vandalism at their office
Allie Frazier is the Director of Northeast Ohio Right to Life. Their Akron offices were vandalized with graffiti threats and broken windows on the night of July 8th. A police report has been filed and authorities are monitoring the situation. Allie states that these threats and intimidation will not stop them from defending the unborn and promoting the pro-life cause.
PART 2- Candidate Forum with Kirsten Hill, candidate for Ohio’s 13th Senate District – Primary August 2nd
Kirsten Hill, current State School Board member, is a candidate for the 13th State Senate District that covers Lorain and parts of Erie and Huron Counties. Kirsten has fought for conservative principles on the State School Board for the last 3-1/2 years, taking the concerns of parents to the State School Board and the Ohio Department of Education. She is now running for the State Senate and discusses the issues on which she is running. Tune in and tell a friend.

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Crisis Pregnancy Centers Are Stepping Up to Help Women
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Crisis Pregnancy Centers Are Stepping Up to Help Women
On this News in Focus, we conduct a discussion with Ashland Pregnancy Care Center Director Melanie Miller and The Pregnancy Center of Toledo Director Savannah Marten. Melanie and Savannah discuss the work of pregnancy centers. We learn in this program that there are 133 pregnancy care centers across the State of Ohio where women can find help in their communities as they struggle with unplanned pregnancies. These centers are prepared to help women and provide them valuable information, counseling, and items they will need for a newborn.
Part 2 Discussion with Linda Harvey, President of Mission America. Have you heard about “Drag Queen Story Hour” for young children being held in schools and libraries?
How do you feel about “sex ed” lessons telling kids they can choose to be a boy or a girl—or something in between? What about kids reading graphically sexual books as part of required school curriculum? This is happening in Ohio's school districts, and these illicit reading materials are in school libraries. We discuss in this interview what you as a parent and concerned citizen can do about it.

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
On this week's News in Focus, we have a round table discussion with Ohio's right-to-life leaders to discuss the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the implementation of Ohio's Heartbeat legislation, and the pro-life movement going forward. Joining me will be Cincinnati RTL Director Laura Strietmann, Northeast Ohio Right to Life Director Allie Frazier, and Columbus RTL Director Beth Vanderkooi.
News in Focus is broadcast 7 times weekly. Here is a list of stations on which News in Focus is heard: WHKW 1220 AM Salem Broadcasting Cleveland and on their FM translator signal WHKW 96.9 FM Thursdays at 1 p.m.- full hour and 6:30 and 7:30 p.m., and Saturdays at 5:00 p.m.; in Columbus on WHKC 91.5 Freedom FM Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. and Sundays at 1:30 p.m. It is also featured on our podcast, social media, and sent out to the Ohio Christian Alliance statewide email list.

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Anarchist terrorist group "Jane's Revenge" targets pro-life organizations and crisis pregnancy centers
OCA President Chris Long and Mark Harrington of Created Equal discuss the growing threat against pro-life organizations and crisis pregnancy centers by the radical leftist group Jane's Revenge. Since the SCOTUS leak in early May on the Dobbs decision that indicates that the Court is ready to overturn Roe v. Wade, extreme radical pro-abortion groups have protested at U.S. Supreme Court Justice's homes, levied threats, and have carried out violent acts against pro-life organizations and pro-life crisis pregnancy centers. Over 100 members of Congress have written a letter to the U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to take swift action to defend U.S. Citizens against this anarchist violent threat.
Ohio AG Dave Yost writes letter along with 18 other states' attorneys general to the U.S. Justice Department urging Attorney General Merrick Garland to take swift action to prosecute those committing violence against pro-life organizations and crisis pregnancy centers. Quoting AG Yost in the letter, "The Department of Justice must investigate and prosecute these terroristic threats and acts. It should start with Jane’s Revenge—the FBI has more than enough resources to determine the organization’s members and to track down those carrying out these acts of violence, which qualify as terrorism under federal law.8 And while Jane’s Revenge offers an obvious starting point, the supply of entities deserving to be investigated hardly stops there. Inaction is intolerable in our nation of laws, and it violates your oath of office."

Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
The church in crisis and the moral degradation of our times
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
The church in crisis and the moral degradation of our times
Attacks on churches are on the increase. The culture is turning increasingly hostile towards Christians and the church. According to a recent Gallup Poll, church membership of Americans has fallen for the first time below 50%. Gallup has been conducting these polls for the past eight decades, since 1937. For decades, church affiliation for most Americans was at 73%. In 2021 it had fallen to just 47%. In a recent Barna poll, it was found that 62% of pastors lack a Biblical worldview. They have left the orthodoxy of the faith and have turned to a more progressive approach, a hybrid of beliefs. In Ohio and across the country, church attendance has fallen drastically in the last few years. One Ohio research group, updating its church listing among evangelical churches in 2022, found that in just one year 483 churches closed. If the times seem dark, it's not your imagination. Here to discuss the problem and to review the numbers and what they mean on today's roundtable are Pastor John Coats and Pastor Al Davis.

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
78th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings - Senator Rob Portman and Historian Bill Federer
Senator Rob Portman gives speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate in observance of the 78th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings. Senator Portman was the sponsor of S 1044 WWII Memorial Prayer Act that passed the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on the eve of the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings, then passed the U.S. House with broad bipartisan support, and was signed into law by President Obama on June 30, 2014. Each year, Senator Portman has gone to the floor on the anniversary of the D-Day Landings and has read the prayer of FDR. In this broadcast, we also present an update on the construction start of the prayer's addition to the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Part 2 Author and historian Bill Federer joins OCA President Chris Long to discuss the D-Day Landings and FDR's D-Day Prayer that he prayed with the nation on the evening of D-Day, June 6, 1944. Bill discusses the importance of learning our history and that each generation must pass the knowledge of freedom on to the next generation. #ddayprayer www.DDayPrayerProject.org www.AmericanMinute.com

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Statehouse Update with OCA President Chris Long and OCA Board Member Pastor Al Davis
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Statehouse Update with OCA President Chris Long and OCA Board Member Pastor Al Davis
On this broadcast, we give you a Statehouse legislative update. We discuss Sacred Spaces, legislation that protects worship services in the State of Ohio. We discuss the Ohio Safe Act, H.B. 454, legislation that would ban hormone-blocking agents and would ban sex-change surgeries for underage children. The Primary Election date for Statehouse races has been set for August 4th, as the federal court has upheld the third version of the Redistricting Commission's maps for Ohio House and Ohio Senate.
Part 2
Special Memorial Day Program With an Update on the D-Day Prayer Project
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
Armed Forces Day is for those who are actively serving and for reservists. May 21st
Veterans Day is when we remember and honor those who served in the armed forces. November 11th
Memorial Day is for those who gave their lives for the cause of Freedom. Last Monday of May (this year May 30th)
In this special program, we honor those who paid the ultimate price for the cause of freedom. We also receive an update from Senator Rob Portman and Congressman Bill Johnson on the D-Day Prayer Project. Construction is to begin in July, with a dedication sometime in November, possibly Veterans Day.

Tuesday May 24, 2022
Special Memorial Day Program With an Update on the D-Day Prayer Project
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Special Memorial Day Program With an Update on the D-Day Prayer Project
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
Armed Forces Day is for those who are actively serving and for reservists. May 21st
Veterans Day is when we remember and honor those who served in the armed forces. November 11th
Memorial Day is for those who gave their lives for the cause of Freedom. Last Monday of May (this year May 30th)
In this special program, we honor those who paid the ultimate price for the cause of freedom. We also receive an update from Senator Rob Portman and Congressman Bill Johnson on the D-Day Prayer Project. Construction is to begin in July, with a dedication sometime in November, possibly Veterans Day.
Part 2 - Powerful pro-life message from Senator Rick Santorum at the OCA Spring Freedom Banquet.

Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
Rick Santorum is universally recognized as a steadfast leader and defender of the first principles upon which our nation was founded. He is currently a Senior Political Consultant for Newsmax and Senior Advisor for the Convention of States project.
Rick was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1990 at the age of 32, defeating a seven-term incumbent. From 1995 through 2007, Rick served in the United States Senate. He also was a Presidential candidate in 2012 and in 2016.
In the U.S. Senate, he authored legislation that outlawed the heinous procedure known as Partial-Birth Abortion and championed the successful fight to pass the “Born Alive Infant Protection Act,” and the “Unborn Victims of Violence Act.”
In 2014, Rick wrote the book “Blue Collar Conservatives”. President Trump stated that he patterned his campaign after the principles he read in Rick’s book.
Of all his accomplishments, Rick is most proud of his role as a husband and father. Rick and his wife Karen are the parents of seven wonderful children.