
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Religious Exemptions on COVID Vaccine with Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Religious Exemptions on COVID Vaccine with Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel
Health care workers across the state are facing the real prospect of employment termination due to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, issued by hospitals, medical clinics, and other health care facilities in recent weeks. This will affect thousands of health care workers across Ohio, who last year were the frontline heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic, but are now being threatened with termination if they do not take the vaccine. Many cannot take it, due to health reasons, personal reasons, or religious conscience. Mat Staver discusses with us that this is a nationwide problem and is about to affect us all with the lack of quality of health care as a result. Mat gives some practical pointers on how to file for a religious exemption. The Liberty Counsel law firm stands ready to help people of faith with this growing crisis. Video from Liberty Counsel
State Rep. Scott Wiggam discusses how he and other conservative legislators are fighting back against the mandates and vaccine passports.
The Ohio House and the Ohio Senate have failed to remedy the immediate crisis facing thousands of health care workers across Ohio. H.B. 248 that recently had its 6th hearing in the Ohio House Health Committee, chaired by Rep. Scott Lipps, is not going anywhere, according to Statehouse reports. H.B. 248 would have provided broad exemptions for health care workers and other Ohioans who were faced with an unwanted vaccine mandate at their workplaces. Now that the bill is all but dead, Rep. Scott Wiggam is working to push leadership to act on this issue. Tune in and tell a friend. ACTION POINT: Contact your State Representatives and urge them to protect vaccine freedom.

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
The Redraw of Ohio's District Lines is Underway
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
The Redraw of Ohio's District Lines is Underway
Ohio is losing a Congressional seat, and the Ohio Redistricting Commission is currently holding public meetings. The districts for Ohio House, Ohio Senate, and Congressional should be completed within a few weeks. Here to discuss the process is Summit County Republican Chairman Bryan Williams.
Part 2 - Vaccine mandates are threatening individual civil liberties
H.B. 248, Ohio's Vaccine Freedom Bill, sponsored by State Rep. Jennifer Gross of Ohio's 52nd District, had its 6th hearing yesterday in the Ohio House Health Committee. It is reported that 1,000 testimonies were submitted to the committee, as well as hundreds of calls and emails that flooded into the committee's offices. In this program, we hear two testimonials, one from the Ohio House Health Committee hearing, and another from an R.N. who testified before the Michigan House Committee last week. Tune in and tell a friend.

Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Greg Delaney - Drug abuse during COVID - AG Yost on fraud - Summer replay
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Greg Delaney - Drug abuse during COVID - AG Yost on fraud
COVID-19 Shutdown – The Fallout Part II Opiate and Fentanyl drug addictions, depression and suicide
Opiate and Fentanyl drug addictions, depression, and suicide rates increased during the COVID-19 shutdown. Pastor Greg Delaney of Woodhaven Recovery Center of Dayton, Ohio discusses with OCA President Chris Long the opiate, Fentanyl, and alcohol abuse that spread through the general population as depression and isolation caused many to turn to drugs and alcohol for relief. The general population is still in a state of depression, and it is time for the church to go on a search and rescue mission, reaching out to those who are isolated, alone, and hurting, sharing with them the concern and compassion of Christ.
Part 2 - Tackling Fraud With Attorney General Dave Yost
On today’s program, we discuss the important issue of fraud. Many Ohioans have been victims of fraudulent activity on the Internet, credit card fraud, bank fraud. These are just some of the ways in which scam artists prey on our elderly and the general public. We talk about this important issue with State Attorney General Dave Yost. Here are a couple of examples of some of the phone call scams that some Ohioans have fallen victim to in recent months. We also discuss with Attorney General Yost the unemployment fraud as the Department of Job and Family Services fell victim to international fraudsters who gamed the system and pilfered $426 million during the COVID-19 shutdown. SOS LaRose has submitted voter fraud cases of those who voted illegally as non-citizens and others who voted in multiple states in the same election to the Attorney General's office. AG Yost explains the process of investigating those cases. Tune in and tell a friend.

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Vaccines should be a choice, not a mandate or requirement for public life
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
OCA President Chris Long and State Rep. Jennifer Gross discuss the challenges of vaccine mandates for many Ohioans. The COVID-19 vaccine should be a personal choice, not mandated or a requirement for employment. Ohioans are already losing their jobs over this issue in hospitals and health care systems across Ohio. The same people that were heralded as heroes last year on the frontlines of treating COVID patients are now ridiculed and shamed and driven from their jobs simply because they have chosen not to take the vaccine. Many of them have already had COVID and recovered and are immune to the virus. OCA press statement
Gross is the sponsor of House Bill 248, which prohibits mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations and allows for individuals to have three exemptions to all vaccines.
“We cannot allow the COVID-19 vaccination to become a condition for participation in public life,” said Gross. “Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, in any circumstance, are prohibited and all three exemptions shall be offered to all Ohioans for all vaccinations.”
Gross notes that Ohioans continue to face employment termination, loss of raises, forced masking and forced weekly COVID-19 testing due to employment mandates related to the COVID-19 vaccine.
“Tragically, the freedoms of Ohioans are being encroached upon as they are now being forced to choose between their personal healthcare choices, their livelihood, and their education,” Gross added. “It is our duty to protect the freedoms of our Ohio citizens. The time to act is now!” Click here for Rep Gross's press release

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Nations Are God's Idea- An Interview With Author James Tasker
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Nations Are God's Idea- An Interview With Author James Tasker
Nation Sovereignty, an integral part of God's plan of protection and well-being for people, is being assaulted all over the Western world. "Nations Are God's Idea" exposes the assaulting forces: well-funded, well-positioned ideological agitators that are making their assault on the sovereignty of nations. Author James Tasker sits down with OCA President Chris Long to discuss God's intention for the nations and the threat to national sovereignty that Western nations are facing today.

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
OCA Voter Guide radio ad for 15th Congressional District
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
OCA Voter Guide radio ad for 15th Congressional District

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Candidate for the 11th Congressional District Laverne Gore - Special Primary August 3rd
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Candidate for the 11th Congressional District Laverne Gore - Special Primary August 3rd
Laverne is a Cleveland native and a candidate in the Republican Special Primary of August 3rd. The 11th Congressional District seat is currently open, as Marcia Fudge has been appointed to be the Director of HUD in the Biden Administration. A number of candidates are vying for the seat. The Special Primary is Tuesday, August 3rd. Lavern is a candidate on the Republican ticket, and explains her views on the issues, and why serving the people of the District is so important.

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Senior Advisor to President Trump Max Miller - An Interview From Behind the Scenes
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Max Miller Senior Advisor to President Trump Discusses His Work From Behind the Scenes at the Trump White House.
Max Miller, a Cleveland native, served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve and on the White House staff as a Senior Advisor to President Donald J. Trump from 2016-2020. Max discusses his work on the President's advance team for international travel, and the important behind-the-scenes work of preparing the way for the President's meetings with foreign leaders in North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Japan, and other nations. Max has declared his candidacy for the 16th Congressional District and has been endorsed by President Trump. Tune in to learn more about Max Miller.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
15th Congressional District Candidate Interview Mike Carey
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
15th Congressional District Candidate Interview Mike Carey
Two Congressional districts in Ohio have special elections on August 3rd. Congressman Steve Stivers of the 15th Congressional District retired early, leaving a vacant seat. Eleven Republican candidates are vying for the seat. Mike Carey is running for the 15th Congressional District and discusses his campaign and the issues on which he's running. The Ohio Christian Alliance will be providing a voter guide for both the 11th and the 15th Congressional Districts Special Elections.

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
COVID-19 Shutdown – The Fallout Part II Opiate and Fentanyl drug addictions, depression and suicide
Opiate and Fentanyl drug addictions, depression, and suicide rates increased during the COVID-19 shutdown. Pastor Greg Delaney of Woodhaven Recovery Center of Dayton, Ohio discusses with OCA President Chris Long the opiate, Fentanyl, and alcohol abuse that spread through the general population as depression and isolation caused many to turn to drugs and alcohol for relief. The general population is still in a state of depression, and it is time for the church to go on a search and rescue mission, reaching out to those who are isolated, alone, and hurting, sharing with them the concern and compassion of Christ.