The coal industry and its importance to America's electric grid - A roundtable discussion.

Thursday Oct 11, 2018
The Serious Consequences of Issue 1 - A Pastor and a Judge Weigh In
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
The Serious Consequences of Issue 1 - A Pastor and a Judge Weigh In
Pastor Jerry O'Brien of the Wayne County Opiate Addiction Recovery Task Force shares his concerns about Issue 1. Pastor Jerry has been on the front lines in the opiate addiction recovery effort and has had the unpleasant task of presiding over the funerals of those who lost their battles with their drug addiction. He warns that if Issue 1 passes, the morticians will be busy, as the drug problem in Ohio will only accelerate.
Part 2 - Common Pleas Judge John Durkin of Mahoning County shares from personal experience on the bench the terrible consequences of drug addiction and the problems that lie ahead if Issue 1 passes.
This broadcast is a must-hear. Share it with your family and friends.

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
The Kavanaugh Supreme Court Battle -It's all about abortion and what it means for our nation
Mark Harrington, President of Created Equal, a pro-life organization that brings the pro-life message to university campuses, engaging with students in a thoughtful dialogue over the issue of abortion, discusses with OCA President Chris Long what the drama in Washington is all about over the Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court. The call has gone out to pray for our Senators and to pray for the Kavanaugh family, as anarchists seek to intimidate Senate members and cause disruption of the Senate's proceedings.
Cuyahoga County Human Rights Commission, enacted by County Council, will be weaponized to penalize businesses, individuals, and churches who do not comply with the LGBTQ agenda. Touted as a committee to receive complaints of discrimination, the reality is, according to those who oppose the measure, that it will be a form of tyranny to force compliance upon individuals, businesses, and churches that don't go along with the radical homosexual agenda. This week's guest is John Stover, President of Ohio Value Voters, who encouraged clergy and Cuyahoga County residents to stand up against the passage of the Commission. Now that County Council has launched the Commission, many in the community will be watching carefully as to what it's activities will be. Tune in and tell a friend.

Thursday Sep 27, 2018
11th and 9th Congressional District Candidate Forum
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
11th and 9th Congressional District Candidate Forum
This week's News in Focus opens with a statement on the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Candidate forum continues with Congressional candidate Beverly Goldstein who is running in the 11th Congressional District, discussing her race and the challenges that face her constituency in the 11th Congressional District.
Steve Kraus, a candidate for the 9th Congressional District, discusses his campaign and his conservative approach to the issues facing the people of the 9th Congressional District. Steve called in while returning from a rally in Washington to support Jim Jordan for Speaker.

Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
A Tribute to Roger Beckett Executive Director of the Ashbrook Center- A True Patriot
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
A Tribute to Roger Beckett Executive Director of the Ashbrook Center- A True Patriot
This past week, the Ashbrook family lost their Executive Director, as Roger Beckett passed away unexpectedly from a sudden illness. On this broadcast, we pay tribute to Roger's love of the U.S. Constitution and our founding documents, as we replay an encore presentation of his interview during Constitution Week of 2016.
Joining me on the program to pay tribute is State Senate President Larry Obhof. Senator Obhof was a close friend of Roger and his family, and he speaks of the ongoing mission of the Ashbrook Center. Please join us in praying for the Beckett family and the students of the Ashbrook Center.

Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Mike DeWine and Dave Yost on This Week's On-Air Candidate Forum New in Focus
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Candidate for Governor Mike DeWine is this week's guest on News in Focus, as he discusses his vision for Ohio - jobs, economy, education, and trade programs for Ohio's workforce of the next generation, and what he hopes to accomplish as Ohio's next Governor.
Part 2 - State Auditor Dave Yost, candidate for Attorney General, discusses his candidacy, his position on Issue 1, and how he would conduct the Attorney General's office to work with local law enforcement and communities.

Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Candidate Forum with Auditor Candidate Keith Faber and Treasurer Candidate Robert Sprague
On this week's News in Focus, we continue our candidate forum series. State Rep. Keith Faber, who is running for State Auditor and who is on the November ballot running as a Republican, discusses his campaign, why he is running for Auditor, and what he envisions to do with the office.
Part 2 - State Rep. Robert Sprague from Findlay, Ohio and Republican candidate for State Treasurer, explains his interest to build upon the success of the Open Checkbook program. He shares about his fiscal conservative resume and why he is running for State Treasurer.

Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
President Trump Calls Out Google and Other Social Media On Their Bias and Censorship
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
President Trump Calls Out Google and Other Social Media On Their Bias and Censorship
Social media's bias and censorship are called out by President Trump. Art Moore of World Net Daily joins me for the second part in a series on the social media giants' orchestrated censorship and bias against conservative voices. This time they hear it from President Trump as he decries Google's intent to bury conservative voices in their search listings. On this program, we break it down with investigative reporter Art Moore of World Net Daily. Tune in and tell a friend.

Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Social Tech Giants Launch Campaign to Censor Conservative Voices. Art Moore, Activist Mommy, and Linda Harvey Discuss.
On this week's News in Focus, we discuss the efforts of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media platforms to censor conservative voices. Under the guise of fake news and what they term "hate speech", the social media tech giants are silencing credible conservative voices. Elizabeth Johnston, known as The Activist Mommy, has been a target of such censorship by the deactivation of her accounts. Others such as Prager University and Act for America have had their videos taken down or blocked. Art Moore, investigative journalist for World Net Daily, said that their conservative news agency is not exempt. They have suffered the loss of many followers due to the tech giants of Google, Facebook and Twitter blocking their presence on the Internet. Tune in and learn more. We will keep following this story as it develops. Tune in and tell a friend.

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
D-Day Conneaut This Friday and Saturday, August 17th and 18th Eric Montgomery, Veterans Coordinator.
Part 1 - The nation's largest D-Day reenactment takes place on the shores of Lake Erie in Conneaut, Ohio on August 17th and 18th. Eighteen hundred reenactors: American, British, Canadian, and German troop reenactors, tanks, half-tracks, artillery pieces, vintage aircraft fly-overs, and much more...Battle reenactments both Friday and Saturday. One hundred forty-one WWII veterans will be on hand and honored for their service. Eric Montgomery shares the story of D-Day Conneaut, this living historical event is one of Ohio's treasures. Well worth the trip.
Part 2 - Encore presentation
The Coal Industry and Its Importance to America’s Electric Grid
Jun 28th, 2018 by ohiochristianalliance

Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
12th Congressional District Special Election Breakdown and Special Guest Lyndon Allen with CUFI
ON Tuesday, August 7, the Ohio 12th Congressional District held a Special Election between Republican Troy Balderson and Democrat Danny O'Connor. Mr. Balderson maintains a narrow lead with 1,500 votes. State Rep. Andy Brenner, who lives in Delaware County in the 12th District, discusses the breakdown of what happened in this election.
Part 2 - Pastor Lyndon Allen, CUFI Central Regional Coordinator, discusses this year's national conference in Washington, D.C. of Christians United for Israel and the need for the Christian church to support the State of Israel and the Jewish people.