
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Christmas Traditions with Author and Historian Bill Federer
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Christmas Traditions with Author and Historian Bill Federer
Part 1 Author and historian Bill Federer discusses the meaning behind our Christmas traditions - the Christmas tree, poinsettias, the 25th of December. You are sure to learn about the traditions as we celebrate Christmas, the birth of the Messiah.
Part 2 Christmas Carols and Their Origins. They tell the story of the Gospel - Bill gives us the history and background of these great carols of the faith. - Tune in and tell a friend.
Merry Christmas from the Ohio Christian Alliance!

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Never Alone Act H.B. 236 - No one should die alone because of government mandates
During the COVID shutdown, hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living centers forced the elderly, infirmed, and those hospitalized into isolation without the support of family, loved ones, or clergy. At the time of the COVID shutdown, the Ohio Christian Alliance received numerous reports of medical neglect and isolation of those who were in hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living centers due to the state government mandate (under the health emergency). The effects of the shutdown were much greater than was the spread of COVID-19 itself. We received heart-wrenching stories of individuals whose family members died in hospitals and nursing facilities without anyone present with them to hold their hand or to give them comfort. Rep. Melanie Miller of the 67th House District and Rep. Beth Lear of the 61st House District are co-sponsors of H. B. 236, the Never Alone Act. In this broadcast we hear proponent testimony by Reps Miller and Lear and expert testimony from Dr. Malek on the need for this legislation. Call your state representatives and urge them to support the Never Alone Act, H.B. 236.

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Riley Gaines testifies in support of H.B. 68 the Ohio Safe Act
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Riley Gaines testifies in support of H.B. 68 the Ohio SAFE Act in the Ohio Senate
Ohio SAFE Act H.B. 68 with Rep. Gary Click Protecting Ohio's Children from Transitioning Drugs and Surgery
State Rep. Gary Click of Ohio's 88th District has re-introduced Ohio's SAFE Act, H.B. 68. the legislation passed the Ohio House and is currently in the Ohio Senate. This legislation protects minors from life-altering surgeries and hormonal treatments that are being pushed by sociologists in the public schools and in certain health clinics. H.B. 68, the Ohio SAFE Act, has received testimony from young people who have gone through the horrible experience of transitioning from their birth gender by hormonal treatment and in some cases irreversible surgeries. Their heart-wrenching stories stirred the committee members, and the evidence was undeniable of how harmful this indoctrination of gender dysphoria is to our young people. Ohio's SAFE Act, H.B. 68, is sponsored by State Rep. Gary Click and 40 other House members. Hearings are currently in the Ohio Senate Government and Oversight Committee. It has received a sponsor and proponent testimony. Call your Ohio Senator and urge them to support H.B. 68, the Ohio SAFE Act.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
The Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving Fifty-One Souls Who Changed the World
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
The Pilgrims' Thanksgiving Fifty-One Souls Who Changed the World
Leo Martin, Director of the Jenny Museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts, discusses the profound impact that the 1620 landing at Plymouth Rock with a small group of Pilgrims had on the course of history. They sought religious freedom and carved out a community in the New World with fellowship with the Indians, sharing their faith with gratitude for what God had done. This year marks the 403rd anniversary of the Pilgrims' landing at Plymouth Rock. Happy Thanksgiving from the Ohio Christian Alliance.
Part 2 For Their Honor book by Chris Long now available interview on TCT
For Their Honor - How the D-Day Prayer was added to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.
This book was written to tell the eleven-year story of how one of the largest mass prayers in history was added to the World War II Memorial. The D-Day Prayer was one of FDR's fireside chats, but it stands alone as an incredible moment in American history. The date was June 6th, 1944. Operation Overlord, the D-Day invasion of western France, was already underway by the Allied nations. News reports throughout the day were released from General Eisenhower 's headquarters with short statements, but with few details of what was happening with the landings and on the beaches of France. The American public anxiously awaited throughout the day to hear from President Roosevelt for more details on the historic invasion. What they heard that evening was a president inviting them to join him in prayer. This book tells the story of how this wonderful historic presidential prayer was added to the National Mall in Washington as a permanent addition to an already magnificent monument that was dedicated in the honor and for the memory of the Greatest Generation, the 16 million Americans who served us in World War II.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
For Their Honor book by Chris Long now available interview on TCT
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
For Their Honor book by Chris Long now available interview on TCT
For Their Honor - How the D-Day Prayer was added to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.
This book was written to tell the eleven-year story of how one of the largest mass prayers in history was added to the World War II Memorial. The D-Day Prayer was one of FDR's fireside chats, but it stands alone as an incredible moment in American history. The date was June 6th, 1944. Operation Overlord, the D-Day invasion of western France, was already underway by the Allied nations. News reports throughout the day were released from General Eisenhower 's headquarters with short statements, but with few details of what was happening with the landings and on the beaches of France. The American public anxiously awaited throughout the day to hear from President Roosevelt for more details on the historic invasion. What they heard that evening was a president inviting them to join him in prayer. This book tells the story of how this wonderful historic presidential prayer was added to the National Mall in Washington as a permanent addition to an already magnificent monument that was dedicated in the honor and for the memory of the Greatest Generation, the 16 million Americans who served us in World War II.
Part 2
Interview with Mike Goldstein on supporting the State of Israel and fighting back against anti-Semitism
Mike Goldstein is the Arizona Director of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations. He also serves as legal counsel for the national office of PJTN. Mike is a Navy veteran who served 26 years in the active Naval Reserve as a linguist aiding Naval intelligence. He gives us an update on what is happening in Israel and how we can help support the State of Israel at this time.

Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Interview with Mike Goldstein on supporting the State of Israel and fighting back against anti-Semitism
Mike Goldstein is the Arizona Director of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations. He also serves as legal counsel for the national office of PJTN. Mike is a Navy veteran who served 26 years in the active Naval Reserve as a linguist aiding Naval intelligence. He gives us an update on what is happening in Israel and how we can help support the State of Israel at this time.
Support for the State of Israel and the Jewish People with Congressman Max Miller
Recently, Congressman Max Miller of Ohio's 7th District was my Sunday morning guest at Grace Baptist Church in Brunswick. Pastor Richard Powers invited us to the platform for Congressman Miller to give an update on the terrorist attacks by Hamas and what Israel is doing to respond to their 9/11 moment. Joining me on the program to discuss America's support for the State of Israel is Pastor Al Davis. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love thee. Psalm 122:6 Tune in and tell a friend.

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Support for the State of Israel and the Jewish People with Congressman Max Miller
Recently, Congressman Max Miller of Ohio's 7th District was my Sunday morning guest at Grace Baptist Church in Brunswick. Pastor Richard Powers invited us to the platform for Congressman Miller to give an update on the terrorist attacks by Hamas and what Israel is doing to respond to their 9/11 moment. Joining me on the program to discuss America's support for the State of Israel is Pastor Al Davis. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love thee. Psalm 122:6 Tune in and tell a friend.
Part 2 -
Attorney General Dave Yost Weighs in with Legal Analysis
AG Dave Yost explains in the interview with OCA President Chris Long his legal analysis on the proposed Issue 1 Constitutional Amendment language. AG Yost has written a detailed analysis of what Issue 1 will do if passed by the Ohio voters on the November 7th Election. He enumerates the areas in existing state law that would be affected by this proposed amendment. From AG Yost's analysis:
The summary discusses the Amendment’s legal standards and how they compare to the different standards under Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and concludes with a list of several laws that could be affected by this Amendment if it is enacted. Because the Amendment talks more broadly of reproductive health care,” including contraception, and other items 'including but not limited to' abortion, this list makes mention of specific laws that, based on past experience, I expect will most certainly be challenged at some point. It is not,
however, an exhaustive list of all statutes that might possibly be affected by the proposed Amendment. Assembling such a list would require a greater degree of conjecture and speculation than is proper here." issue-1-analysis-ohio-ag-aspx.pdf (ohioca.org)

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Radio Ad No on Issue 1 by the One Nation Under God Foundation - 2
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Radio Ad No on Issue 1 by the One Nation Under God Foundation - 2

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Radio Ad No on Issue 1 from One Nation Under God Foundation - 1
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Radio Ad No on Issue 1 from One Nation Under God Foundation - 1

Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Radio interview with Bob Frantz about Rep. Mike Johnson
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Radio interview with Bob Frantz about Rep. Mike Johnson as the new Speaker of the U.S. House