
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Statehouse Report on the Vaccine Choice Amendments and State Budget
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Statehouse Report on the Vaccine Choice Amendments and State Budget
State Senator Andrew Brenner of Ohio's 19th District introduced amendments into H.B. 244 that would prohibit public schools and universities from requiring COVID vaccinations of their students. The bill passed both the House and Senate this week and was sent to Governor DeWine for his signature. Governor DeWine said earlier in the year that the government would not be requiring vaccinations. With herd immunity and the current infection rate at 26.8 persons per 100,000 residents, there is no need to be requiring this vaccination for students K-12 and college. Those who want the vaccine can readily obtain it. Those who for personal or health reasons are opting not to take the vaccine should have that choice as well, stated Senator Brenner. There are numerous alarming reports of complications from the vaccine's usage among our young people. This legislative language addresses the concerns that many parents have, as school districts were pushing the idea of requiring vaccination for fall attendance.
Part 2 - The state budget breakdown with Greg Lawson from the Buckeye Institute
Greg Lawson, Senior Research Fellow at the Buckeye Institute, provides a detailed breakdown of the state's biennium budget that was passed this week by the Ohio Legislature, including a 3% tax cut, a new school funding model, and expanded school choice provision. We discuss with Greg what's in the budget, and what's not in the budget. Tune in and tell a friend.

Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Covid 19 Shutdown – The Damage Assessment
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this program, we are going to take a look at the great fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shutdown of most of society, and the impact that it has had on the citizens of Ohio and the church community. The COVID-19 pandemic has been termed the great reset by some. What the COVID-19 pandemic and the government-mandated shutdowns created was an acceleration of a reset that was already in motion. We are at a generational crossroads, not only in America but in the Western world. As the WWII generation is now fading, and even the baby boom generation is aging, the deconstruction of societal standards is evident all around us and no longer can be denied. Just as with any disaster, either natural or man-made, an assessment of damage from the fallout of the event has to take place. Joining me on the pastor's panel are Mark Able, Pastor John Coats, and Pastor Rodney Lord.
Churches have not recovered in attendance, and some have closed permanently. Some ministers have resigned or have left the ministry. We are going to answer some of these questions today, and hopefully, with our panel point to a way forward for how the church can get back on track fulfilling the mission of Christ, reaching the lost, and rescuing the perishing.

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Tackling Fraud With Attorney General Dave Yost
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Tackling Fraud With Attorney General Dave Yost
On today’s program, we discuss the important issue of fraud. Many Ohioans have been victims of fraudulent activity on the Internet, credit card fraud, bank fraud. These are just some of the ways in which scam artists prey on our elderly and the general public. We talk about this important issue with State Attorney General Dave Yost. Here are a couple of examples of some of the phone call scams that some Ohioans have fallen victim to in recent months. We also discuss with Attorney General Yost the unemployment fraud as the Department of Job and Family Services fell victim to international fraudsters who gamed the system and pilfered $426 million during the COVID-19 shutdown. SOS LaRose has submitted voter fraud cases of those who voted illegally as non-citizens and others who voted in multiple states in the same election to the Attorney General's office. AG Yost explains the process of investigating those cases. Tune in and tell a friend.

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
77th Anniversary of D-Day - Update on the D-Day Prayer Project
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
77th Anniversary of D-Day - Update on the D-Day Prayer Project
This year marks the 77th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings, the Allied liberation of Europe during WWII. Codenamed Operation Overlord, the battle began on June 6, 1944, when some 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of Normandy, France. The invasion was the largest amphibious military assault in history.
President Roosevelt went to the airwaves and asked the nation to pray with him as the battle was unfolding. Over 100 million people worldwide heard the prayer over the radio. It was the way in which most people learned that the liberation of Europe was underway by the Allied forces.
Senator Rob Portman delivers a floor speech on Monday in observance of the 77th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings. Senator Portman reads the D-Day Prayer and provides an update on the prayer’s permanent addition at the WWII Memorial in Washington D.C. We are humbled and honored to be referenced by the Senator in his speech.
Historian Bill Federer discusses the history leading up to D-Day and the importance of passing on to the next generation a detailed account of the price that was paid to secure and retain our freedoms.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Debunking Critical Race Theory in the Ohio Classroom
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Debunking Critical Race Theory in the Ohio Classroom
Peter Kirsanow, Commissioner with the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, has stated that Critical Race Theory is destructive in the classroom and in the board room across America. Title VII clearly states there should be no discrimination based on race. Last July, during the COVID shutdown, the Ohio State School Board rushed through a resolution to support Critical Race Theory in the Ohio classroom. Five members of the board voted against the resolution. One of the members voting NO was State School Board member John Hagan of the 8th District. He explains how the resolution was rushed through and how parents of school children are rising up to challenge this new ridiculous destructive trend in the Ohio classroom.
Part 2 Encore presentation - Constitutional Studies Threatened Again in Ohio Schools
Ohio's educational standards for American Government and American History are under threat again. This time, it's H.B. 73 that would limit the testing requirement and thereby eliminate the teaching requirement in the classroom of American Constitutional studies. One of the original sponsors of the Founding of America Documents Curriculum Bill is former State Rep. John Adams. He joins me on the program to talk about the triumph of the passage of the original bill that guaranteed every Ohio student from the 8th - 12th grade would learn the U.S. Constitution with an emphasis on The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, The Northwest Ordinance, and The Ohio Constitution. But, the liberal teachers' union has placed a target on this curriculum requirement, and they seek to replace it with critical race theory and other socialist philosophies. We're not going to let that happen on our watch. Tune in and tell a friend. Help us stop H.B. 73!

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Socialism- The State's Attempt to Control the Populace - With Bill Federer
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Socialism- The State's Attempt to Control the Populace - With Bill Federer
SOCIALISM: THE DREAM OF AN IDEAL SOCIETY? Is it a wonderful "utopia" or a totalitarian nightmare? Will everything be free or will deep-state bureaucrats decide who gets what?
Did Plato, Thomas More, & Francis Bacon propose social ownership of property? Is there a difference between socialism and communism?
Did Pilgrims attempt "a communistic plan of life"? What happened?
How did the Pilgrims' covenant under God become the Age of Enlightenment's social contract with a distant God, become the French Revolution's social contract with no god, become Marxism's "the state is god"? Truly a scary prospect. Tune in as we talk with Bill Federer.
Part 2
Larry Obhof Original Sponsor of The Founding of America Documents Curriculum
Former Senator Obhof discusses the importance of keeping the curriculum as it is. Ohio's American Government and American History standards are actually an example that other states should follow. Elements within the liberal teachers union want to eliminate all or some of the testing, which would significantly change the curriculum as it currently is in Ohio high schools. The Founding of America Documents Curriculum was signed into law in 2012. Senator Obhof explains the battle that he has had over the years to keep the curriculum standards in place. He also explains how Ohio's American Government and American History standards with the required exams protected us from Common Core in that area of study. Tune in and share this important interview with family and friends.

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Larry Obhof Original Sponsor of The Founding of America Documents Curriculum
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Larry Obhof Original Sponsor of The Founding of America Documents Curriculum
Former Senator Obhof discusses the importance of keeping the curriculum as it is. Ohio's American Government and American History standards are actually an example that other states should follow. Elements within the liberal teachers union want to eliminate all or some of the testing, which would significantly change the curriculum as it currently is in Ohio high schools. The Founding of America Documents Curriculum was signed into law in 2012. Senator Obhof explains the battle that he has had over the years to keep the curriculum standards in place. He also explains how Ohio's American Government and American History standards with the required exams protected us from Common Core in that area of study. Tune in and share this important interview with family and friends.

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Constitutional Studies Threatened Again in Ohio Schools
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Constitutional Studies Threatened Again in Ohio Schools
Ohio's educational standards for American Government and American History are under threat again. This time, it's H.B. 73 that would limit the testing requirement and thereby eliminate the teaching requirement in the classroom of American Constitutional studies. One of the original sponsors of the Founding of America Documents Curriculum Bill is former State Rep. John Adams. He joins me on the program to talk about the triumph of the passage of the original bill that guaranteed every Ohio student from the 8th - 12th grade would learn the U.S. Constitution with an emphasis on The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, The Northwest Ordinance, and The Ohio Constitution. But, the liberal teachers' union has placed a target on this curriculum requirement, and they seek to replace it with critical race theory and other socialist philosophies. We're not going to let that happen on our watch. Tune in and tell a friend. Help us stop H.B. 73!
Praying for the Peace of the CIty of Columbus With Pastor John Coats
Our Capital City of Columbus has been a city under siege, beset with conflict and problems this past year, with protests-turned-to-riots, community turmoil, and a skyrocketing crime rate. Pastor John Coats, Vice President of the NAACP of Columbus, and President of the Interdenominational Ministers Alliance, has called for emergency prayer for the City of Columbus and its communities. Tune in as we review the year that has been and discuss a way forward for the city that hosts our state government.

Wednesday May 05, 2021
National Day of Prayer With Pastors Roundtable
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
National Day of Prayer With Pastors Roundtable
On-air prayer with Pastor Rodney Lord of Freedom's Gate Church of Marietta, Pastor Mark Able of Skywatchers Youth Ministry, and Pastor Al Davis of the Richfield Bible Baptist Church. Join us as we pray for our nation, the church, and the next generation on this, the 70th Anniversary of the National Day of Prayer.
Praying for the Peace of the CIty of Columbus With Pastor John Coats
Our Capital City of Columbus has been a city under siege, beset with conflict and problems this past year, with protests-turned-to-riots, community turmoil, and a skyrocketing crime rate. Pastor John Coats, Vice President of the NAACP of Columbus, and President of the Interdenominational Ministers Alliance, has called for emergency prayer for the City of Columbus and its communities. Tune in as we review the year that has been and discuss a way forward for the city that hosts our state government.
Tune in and tell a friend.

Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Calling For Civility In An Age Of Incivility-Interview With Dr. John Green of U of A
Dr. John Green, Director Emeritus Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, and initiator of The Civility Project of the Bliss Institute
Dr. Green discusses the original intent of the Civility Project as a bipartisan initiative to get civil discussion launched. We may disagree strongly on issues, but somewhere along the way, we have lost the art of civil discourse. In the age of anarchy, OCA President Chris Long and Dr. Green discuss the current culture of public dialogue and what it might take to initiate civil discourse with those with whom we disagree.
Statehouse Security Bill S.B. 34 Protecting The People's House
Ohioans were shocked and dismayed that the People’s House had become a target of vandalism by anarchists who were attempting to use the People’s House to send a message, and that message was sent through violence and vandalism. Ohioans were stunned, wondering why such security breaches occurred and were allowed, resulting in vandalism and destruction at the historic Ohio Statehouse.
The vandalism and destruction that the Ohio Statehouse suffered in May and June of 2020 was the first time that the Ohio Statehouse had become a target of such wanton vandalism and destruction in its 163-year history. In this program, we discuss S.B. 34, sponsor Senator Andy Brenner, that will increase the penalties to felonies and provide for updated high-resolution security cameras. We also discuss S.B. 41 and S.B. 16. Tune in and tell a friend.