
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Health Departments Continue Their Harassment of Ohio Churches
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Health Departments Continue Their Harassment of Ohio Churches
County health departments continue sending letters, making phone calls and emails to churches in counties throughout Ohio with complaints that their religious gatherings are not complying with state face mask orders. In this pastors panel discussion, we talk with two pastors who have been contacted by the departments of health. The Ohio Christian Alliance has obtained record reports which indicate that the DeWine Administration is encouraging local health departments to enforce the face mask mandate. OCA has also obtained records that confirm that funding is being provided to health departments and local prosecutors' offices to carry out the enforcement of the Governor's face mask mandate.
Citizens of the City of Medina Weigh in on the Court's Decision Denying Voter Rights
The Ohio Supreme Court shamefully denied voter rights for citizens of the City of Medina in a referendum petition case in which county bureaucrats worked to keep the referendum off the ballot. In this interview, concerned citizens of the City of Medina who worked to put the referendum on the ballot for the citizens to decide the issue share their disappointment with the Court's decision.

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Citizens of the City of Medina Weigh in on the Court's Decision Denying Voter Rights
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Citizens of the City of Medina Weigh in on the Court's Decision Denying Voter Rights
The Ohio Supreme Court shamefully denied voter rights for citizens of the City of Medina in a referendum petition case in which county bureaucrats worked to keep the referendum off the ballot. In this interview, concerned citizens of the City of Medina who worked to put the referendum on the ballot for the citizens to decide the issue share their disappointment with the Court's decision.
Part 2 - Attorney Brad Dacus, President of the Pacific Justice Institute, a legal advocacy organization on First Amendment issues, joins OCA President Chris Long to discuss these egregious violations of religious liberty happening in California and across the country during the COVID-19 health issue. Share this important broadcast with family and friends.

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Health Departments Threaten to Fine and Close Ohio Churches Over State Face Mask Mandate
Churches have notified the Ohio Christian Alliance that they have been harassed and threatened by county health departments over the face mask mandate issue. We are tracking down this alarming trend of health departments making calls to churches concerning face masks during church services. A records request in one county revealed that 14 calls have been made in the last ten days since the statewide face mask order went into effect. Churches in other urban counties in Ohio are reporting the same kind of calls coming into their offices. The Ohio Christian Alliance with our staff and volunteers is collecting reports that will be provided to statewide officials to address this problem and to tell the health departments to stand down when it comes to churches.
Part 2 - Attorney Brad Dacus, President of the Pacific Justice Institute, a legal advocacy organization on First Amendment issues, joins OCA President Chris Long to discuss these egregious violations of religious liberty happening in California and across the country during the COVID-19 health issue. Share this important broadcast with family and friends.

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Voting Rights Case at Ohio Supreme Court - How will the Court decide?
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Voting Rights Case at Ohio Supreme Court - How will the Court decide?
Will the Ohio Supreme Court uphold the rights of voters or will they hand a victory to bureaucrats who have been denying local citizens access to the ballot? One year ago this week, citizens in Medina County submitted petitions for a referendum. Little did they know they would have to fight all the political bureaucrats of the county to simply exercise their right to vote. After a number of appeals were denied by the Medina County Board of Elections, the citizens had no recourse but to file for mandamus action at the Ohio Supreme Court. Representing the citizens committee is Attorney Josh Brown. He and OCA President Chris Long discuss the merits of this case and the huge ramifications it has for voting rights in Ohio. Ohio Supreme Court Case 2020-0179.
Ashland Pregnancy Care Center - Interview with Executive Director Melanie Miller.
Melanie Miller, Executive Director of Ashland Pregnancy Care Center, shares the mission and work of Ashland's Pregnancy Care. The annual fundraising banquet for Ashland Pregnancy Care Center has been rescheduled and will be virtual on August 6th at 7:00 p.m. Click this link to register for this free event online. Abbey Johnson is the keynote speaker.

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
The Message of the Pilgrims Still Resonates Today 400 Years Later
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
The Message of the Pilgrims Still Resonates Today 400 Years Later
Dr. Paul Jehle, historian, pastor and author, and Director of the Plymouth Rock Foundation in Plymouth, Massachusetts, delivers a powerful message at the Ohio Christian Alliance annual Freedom Banquet. Dr. Jehle illustrates how the simple faith of the Pilgrims and the Mayflower Compact laid the foundation for self-government here in America. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were framed with the same simple principles of self-government and individual freedom as a gift from God.
Share this broadcast with your family and friends. Let us celebrate the 400th year of the Pilgrims' Landing, celebrating our spiritual heritage as a nation.

Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Celebrating Plymouth Rock 400 Years After the Landing with Paul Jehle
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Celebrating Plymouth Rock 400 Years After the Landing with Historian Dr. Paul Jehle, Director of the Plymouth Rock Foundation.
This year, due to COVID-19, the 400-year anniversary celebrations of the Plymouth Landing have been postponed until 2021. Author and historian Pastor Paul Jehle shares the rich history of the simple people of faith who came to the New World in search of religious liberty and a new life. Pastor Jehle shares God had graced and blessed this little band of Pilgrims and gave them favor with the Native Americans as they founded Plymouth Colony. This is the 400th year of our spiritual founding as a nation.
Part 2 - Organized anarchists played a role in the recent protests-turned riots in Ohio cities - Report
Recent protests in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus that turned into riots were heavily influenced by outside sources. The anarchist group ANTIFA and militant elements of BLM created an atmosphere of destruction and anarchy that included extensive damage at the Ohio Statehouse and other state agencies in Columbus. Joining me on the program to share his eye-witness account of what happened in Columbus is the President of the Interdenominational Ministers Alliance and elected official of Ohio NAACP, Pastor John Coats. Pastor Coats shares that these protests-turned riots were not organic, but heavily influenced by outside agitators. Fourteen people were arrested by Columbus police for the destruction at the Ohio Statehouse on May 28, but the Columbus City Attorney has since dropped all charges. The State Highway Patrol continues to investigate the Statehouse vandalism that occurred on June 18, but again - no arrest have been made, even though the vandalism took place in broad daylight in plain sight of the Highway Patrol. Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder has announced that there will be hearings to get to the bottom of what occurred at the Ohio Statehouse with these two serious security breaches on May 28 and June 18.

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Organized anarchists played a role in the recent protests-turned riots in Ohio cities - Report
Recent protests in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus that turned into riots were heavily influenced by outside sources. The anarchist group ANTIFA and militant elements of BLM created an atmosphere of destruction and anarchy that included extensive damage at the Ohio Statehouse and other state agencies in Columbus. Joining me on the program to share his eye-witness account of what happened in Columbus is the President of the Interdenominational Ministers Alliance and elected official of Ohio NAACP, Pastor John Coats. Pastor Coats shares that these protests-turned riots were not organic, but heavily influenced by outside agitators. Fourteen people were arrested by Columbus police for the destruction at the Ohio Statehouse on May 28, but the Columbus City Attorney has since dropped all charges. The State Highway Patrol continues to investigate the Statehouse vandalism that occurred on June 18, but again - no arrest have been made, even though the vandalism took place in broad daylight in plain sight of the Highway Patrol. Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder has announced that there will be hearings to get to the bottom of what occurred at the Ohio Statehouse with these two serious security breaches on May 28 and June 18.

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Reading The Declaration of Independence with Mayor Miller of Ashland Ohio
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Reading The Declaration of Independence with Mayor Miller of Ashland Ohio
The fireworks are in the documents. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. - Declaration of Independence 1776 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Continental Congress. These states united.
Joining me on this week's broadcast is Matt Miller, Mayor of Ashland, Ohio, and this year's emcee at the Ohio Christian Alliance Freedom Banquet scheduled for Thursday, July 23rd at the Akron-Fairlawn Hilton.
Encore Presentation: Ohio Speaker Householder Takes Action on Statehouse Destruction Caused by Protesting Vandals
Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder comes on News in Focus this week to address the extensive damage that took place at the Ohio Statehouse twice in the last three weeks - First on Thursday, May 28th when hundreds of rioters looted and ransacked downtown businesses and then turned toward the Ohio Statehouse, smashing windows, smashing in the front door, entering the building, and causing extensive damage. It was a frightening experience for the handful of Highway Patrol that was on duty that night. Teargas and other measures were used to drive the anarchist rioters from the Statehouse building. Fourteen individuals were arrested, but the City Prosecutor's office has since dropped all charges. Speaker Householder is incensed by these actions and by the lack of policing by Columbus City Police to protect the People's House. Speaker Householder announced that he will conduct hearings on the breach of security at the Ohio Statehouse, and stated that they have subpoena power to bring individuals before the committee to testify. OCA President Chris Long stated, "Finally somebody is taking some action. The security of the People's House is paramount to civil government."

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Ohio Speaker Householder Takes Action on Statehouse Destruction Caused by Protesting Vandals
Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder comes on News in Focus this week to address the extensive damage that took place at the Ohio Statehouse twice in the last three weeks - First on Thursday, May 28th when hundreds of rioters looted and ransacked downtown businesses and then turned toward the Ohio Statehouse, smashing windows, smashing in the front door, entering the building, and causing extensive damage. It was a frightening experience for the handful of Highway Patrol that was on duty that night. Teargas and other measures were used to drive the anarchist rioters from the Statehouse building. Fourteen individuals were arrested, but the City Prosecutor's office has since dropped all charges. Speaker Householder is incensed by these actions and by the lack of policing by Columbus City Police to protect the People's House. Speaker Householder announced that he will conduct hearings on the breach of security at the Ohio Statehouse, and stated that they have subpoena power to bring individuals before the committee to testify. OCA President Chris Long stated, "Finally somebody is taking some action. The security of the People's House is paramount to civil government."

Friday Jun 19, 2020