On today's program, State School Board Member of Ohio's 7th District, Sarah Fowler, discusses with OCA President Chris Long the ongoing challenges to safeguard the Founding of America Documents curriculum in Ohio's classrooms. H.B. 239, legislation introduced by Rep. Gail Manning, would do away with the end of course exam requirement in American Government and History. This would destroy the Founding of America Documents curriculum that conservatives fought so hard to replace in the Ohio classroom after it had been removed from the curriculum in recent years. Sarah Fowler and President Long sound the alarm that it is imperative that we defeat H.B. 239. Tune in and tell a friend.

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
D-Day Conneaut-Where History Comes to Life on the Shores of Lake Erie
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
D-Day Conneaut-Where History Comes to Life on the Shores of Lake Erie
Eric Montgomery, one of the organizers of D-Day Conneaut who is a veteran liaison for the D-Day Conneaut event, shares the history of the WWII reenactment event as they prepare to observe the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings. The event is Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, August 15, 16,& 17, with a live reenactment of the beach landings Saturday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. Don't miss this spectacular WWII reenactment right here in our own back yard in Conneaut, Ohio on the shores of Lake Erie.
Part 2 - Encore presentation with author and historian Bill Federer, who discusses the Prayers of WWII and God's providential help to the Allies. He discusses the prayers of WWII and God's miraculous intervention in a number of key battles that helped the Allies and the cause of freedom.

Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Coming Out of the Homosexual Lifestyle. A Conversation With Greg Quinlan.
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Coming Out of the Homosexual Lifestyle. A Conversation With Greg Quinlan.
Gregory Quinlan left the homosexual lifestyle in 1992. Greg was a gay activist for 10 years lobbying in Washington DC & Ohio for the homosexual agenda. As an LPN and then Registered Nurse he watched over 100 of his friends and acquaintances die of AIDS. He has shared his testimony on the 700 Club, TBN, countless radio programs and has been quoted in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, WorldNet Daily among others. He has a compelling testimony of leaving homosexuality and boldly stands in the public square proclaiming that “Homosexuality doesn’t have to last a lifetime, Ex-Gays prove change is possible.” Tune in and tell a friend!

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Referendum Effort on City of Medina SOGI Ordinance With Attorney Josh Brown
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Referendum Effort on City of Medina SOGI Ordinance With Attorney Josh Brown
On this program of News in Focus Attorney Josh Brown discusses the proposed SOGI ordinance for the City of Medina. Citizens expressed their concerns to Medina City Council concerning the comprehensive ordinance for LGBTQ special rights that included a public accommodation section which allows for members of the opposite sex to use the bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms of their choice, including in the city schools. Council was tone-deaf to these concerns and went ahead in a 5-2 decision in favor of the ordinance. A referendum petition has been filed with the City Finance Director. The measure will be placed on the 2020 ballot. According to ORC section 731-29 concerning referendums and petitions, the ordinance cannot go into effect until the referendum is decided by the voters in November of 2020. If the residents vote in favor of the referendum, the ordinance issue is dead.

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
How Is The Coal Industry Faring? A Round Table Discussion on Today's Energy Policy
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
How Is The Coal Industry Faring? A Round Table Discussion on Today's Energy Policy
Chairman and CEO of Murray Energy, Mr. Bob Murray, with Jim Martin of the 60 Plus Association and Pat Boone, National Spokesperson for the 60 Plus Association join OCA President Chris Long in a round table discussion to address President Trump's promise to the coal industry and the challenges that are still facing the industry after the eight years of Obama's War on Coal. Mr. Murray gives us an update on the current market rate for coal compared to other energy sources - gas, wind, solar - and how coal remains an affordable, reliable option. Jim Martin and Pat Boone discuss the importance of affordable energy rates for seniors, families and those on fixed incomes, and how coal is helping to keep energy costs low, but he warned that if coal is eliminated from the energy supply, costs will go up for those who can least afford it.

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Independence Day Special Program Celebrating Liberty With Our Founders In Mind
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Independence Day Special Program Celebrating Liberty With Our Founders In Mind
On this special program celebrating our nation's 243rd birthday, the pastors round table discusses the principles of liberty. Joining OCA President Chris Long is Pastor Alfred B. Davis and Pastor John Coats with a full reading of The Declaration of Independence and the quotes and thoughts of our Founding Fathers. Tune in and tell a friend.

Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Discussing the State Budget With Greg Lawson of The Buckeye Institute
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Discussing the State Budget With Greg Lawson of The Buckeye Institute
Senior Research Fellow at The Buckeye Institute weighs in on the 2019 Biennium Budget currently being negotiated in the conference committee at The Ohio Statehouse. Discrepancies between the House and Senate versions of the state budget are being worked out. The budget must be signed by June 30 by Governor DeWine. What is decided on what stays in and what is thrown out is determined by the Conference Committee. Then the question remains, what will survive Governor DeWine's line-item veto pen? Tune in to this informative discussion and learn about the process of the state budget that affects your bottom line.
Part 2 - Encore presentation of State Board of Education member Kirsten Hill
Fighting for Parents' Rights on the State School Board with Kirsten Hill
The Ohio State Board of Education recently considered a proposal to adopt learning standards for what is termed "social and emotional learning standards." Members of the State School Board expressed concerns with the Department of Education as to the ambiguous nature of the concept. Some of the concerns that were expressed were data collecting on students, indoctrination, and erosion of freedom of attitudes, values, and beliefs with no regard for parent autonomy, and concerns with more federal overreach. Unfortunately, even after a valiant fight by some members on the board, the motion carried to adopt social and emotional learning standards for Ohio schools. But the fight will go on as parents and community leaders will be monitoring it on the local level.

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Fighting for Parents' Rights on the State School Board with Kirsten Hill
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Fighting for Parents' Rights on the State School Board with Kirsten Hill
The Ohio State Board of Education recently considered a proposal to adopt learning standards for what is termed "social and emotional learning standards." Members of the State School Board expressed concerns with the Department of Education as to the ambiguous nature of the concept. Some of the concerns that were expressed were data collecting on students, indoctrination, and erosion of freedom of attitudes, values, and beliefs with no regard for parent autonomy, and concerns with more federal overreach. Unfortunately, even after a valiant fight by some members on the board, the motion carried to adopt social and emotional learning standards for Ohio schools. But the fight will go on as parents and community leaders will be monitoring it on the local level.
Part 2 - Interview with Tim Grendell, the original sponsor of the Founding of America Documents Curriculum that guarantees the teaching of the U.S. Constitution with the Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, The Northwest Ordinance, the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Paper, and The Ohio Constitution in the Ohio classroom in grades 8-12 with an end of course exam, speaks out against the effort to do away with the end of course exam as H.B. 239 proposes. Also joining the program is current State School Board member Sarah Fowler of Ohio's 7th District. Sarah presents evidence that the effort just two years ago by the Ohio General Assembly to do away with testing assessments in the 4-6th grades in American history has resulted in the subject not being taught, as it is no longer required. ACTION ITEM - CALL YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVES AND URGE THEM TO OPPOSE H.B. 239 AND THE EFFORT TO ELIMINATE THE END OF COURSE EXAM IN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND HISTORY! TOGETHER WE CAN SAVE CONSTITUTIONAL STUDIES IN OHIO SCHOOLS!

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Saving the Founding of America Documents Curriculum in Ohio Schools
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Saving the Founding of America Documents Curriculum in Ohio Schools
By defeating H.B. 239 that would eliminate the end of course exam in American History and American Government
Tim Grendell, the original sponsor of the Founding of America Documents Curriculum that guarantees the teaching of the U.S. Constitution with the Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, The Northwest Ordinance, the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Paper, and The Ohio Constitution in the Ohio classroom in grades 8-12 with an end of course exam, speaks out against the effort to do away with the end of course exam as H.B. 239 proposes. Also joining the program is current State School Board member Sarah Fowler of Ohio's 7th District. Sarah presents evidence that the effort just two years ago by the Ohio General Assembly to do away with testing assessments in the 4-6th grades in American history has resulted in the subject not being taught, as it is no longer required. ACTION ITEM - CALL YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVES AND URGE THEM TO OPPOSE H.B. 239 AND THE EFFORT TO ELIMINATE THE END OF COURSE EXAM IN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND HISTORY! TOGETHER WE CAN SAVE CONSTITUTIONAL STUDIES IN OHIO SCHOOLS!

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Bill Federer Discusses the Prayers of WWII and God's Providence to Help the Allies
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Bill Federer Discusses the Prayers of WWII and God's Providence to Help the Allies
Author and historian Bill Federer is this week's guest. He discusses the prayers of WWII and God's miraculous intervention in a number of key battles during the war that helped the Allies and the cause of freedom.
Part 2 - Encore presentation - Teaching Ohio's School Students the Constitution and American History with State School Board Member Sarah Fowler

Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Teaching Ohio's School Students the Constitution and American History with State School Board Member Sarah Fowler
On today's program, State School Board Member of Ohio's 7th District, Sarah Fowler, discusses with OCA President Chris Long the ongoing challenges to safeguard the Founding of America Documents curriculum in Ohio's classrooms. H.B. 239, legislation introduced by Rep. Gail Manning, would do away with the end of course exam requirement in American Government and History. This would destroy the Founding of America Documents curriculum that conservatives fought so hard to replace in the Ohio classroom after it had been removed from the curriculum in recent years. Sarah Fowler and President Long sound the alarm that it is imperative that we defeat H.B. 239. Tune in and tell a friend.
Part 2 -
Adding A Prayer To A Memorial In Washington Is No Small Task
On this broadcast, we discuss the D-Day Prayer Project, the effort to add FDR's D-Day Prayer in its entirety at the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C. We receive a project update and hear audio from FDR as he prayed the prayer with the nation on the morning of June 6, 1944. We also hear a portion of the speech by President Reagan at Normandy observance at Pointe du Hoc in 1984. With God's help, we will see this project through to its completion.