
Saturday Feb 08, 2020

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
This Week's News in Focus State of the Union Speech and Other News
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
This Week's News in Focus State of the Union Speech and Other News
Concerned Citizens of Medina City and the Ohio Christian Alliance File Lawsuit at the State Supreme Court Over Voter Rights, Pastors' Panel Discusses President Trump's State of the Union Address
Part 2 - Last year, when literally hundreds of threats were levied against the Covington Catholic High School students, their families, and the school, the Christian Alliance of America with other pro-life leaders called for the FBI, the U.S. Justice Department, and local law enforcement to investigate the serious threats that were made against the students and their Christian school. Rob Sanders, Kenton County Prosecutor from Covington, KY gives us a full report on how his office handled those threats and pursued those responsible for making criminal menacing threats against the school and the Christian school students

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
March for Life and Covington Catholic Students One Year Later
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
March for Life and Covington Catholic Students One Year Later
Part 1 - This year's March for Life makes history as President Trump addresses attendees, the first time a President has attended the March in its 47-year history. After last year's media barrage against the Covington Catholic High School students, the question on everybody's mind was, would young people stay away from this year's March? It is estimated that the attendees numbered between 500,000 and 600,000, and the majority of them were under the age of 30. The Covington Catholic High School sent four charted buses this year. Here to discuss it with me is Denise Leipold of Northeast Ohio Right to Life.
Part 2 - Last year, when literally hundreds of threats were levied against the students, their families, and the school, the Christian Alliance of America with other pro-life leaders called for the FBI, the U.S. Justice Department, and local law enforcement to investigate the serious threats that were made against the students and their Christian school. Rob Sanders, Kenton County Prosecutor from Covington, KY gives us a full report on how his office handled those threats and pursued those responsible for making criminal menacing threats against the school and the Christian school students.

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Candidate Spotlight With Christina Hagan and This Year's March for Life
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Candidate Spotlight With Christina Hagan and This Year's March for Life
Part 1 - Candidate Spotlight: For the next number of weeks we will feature some candidates running for office in the upcoming Primary of March 17th. This week, we interview former State Rep. Christina Hagan who is currently running for the 13th Congressional District in the Republican Primary. Christina was one of the original sponsors of Ohio's Heartbeat Bill and discusses this year's March for Life.
Part 2 - Mark Harrington of Created Equal discusses the importance of the youth movement within the pro-life movement as essential to the future for the cause of life. Mark and his team will be at this year's March for Life along Pennsylvania Ave. Tune in and tell a friend.

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
March For Life and Nick Sandman one year later.
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
March For Life and Nick Sandman one year later.
Nick Sandman was the Covington Catholic High School Student who was ridiculed and threatened on social media in the aftermath of last year's March for Life. Nick Sandman and his family recently received an out of court settlement from CNN in response to their defamation case against the cable news giant. Joining me on the program to discuss is Mark Harrington Director of Created Equal, we also discuss today's Pro-Life Movement and this year's March for Life in Washinton D.C. January 24th.
Part 2 This year's March for Life January 24th Washington D.C. Molly Smith director of Cleveland right to Life discusses this year's March for Life and The Bring America Back to Life conference scheduled for March 6th and 7th in Cleveland.

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
President Trump Addresses the Nation on Iran
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
President Trump Addresses the Nation on Iran
Nathan Kalasho, a Chaldean Christian from Greater Detroit, who operates a specialized school for the children of new immigrants who were once refugees and displaced persons, and who currently has extended family living in Iraq, discusses the situation currently in Iraq with the various minority interests of Sunni, Shia, Chaldean, and Kurds, that currently make up the population of the Iraqi nation.
Joseph Kassab, President of the Iraqi Christian Advocacy Organization, also shares how the actions of President Trump are being received favorably among many in the Iraqi community.
Part 2 - Continuing with a roundtable discussion on President Trump's speech with Pastor Al Davis and Mike Goldstein, state representative of the Ohio Chapter of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Christmas Traditions with Author and Historian Bill Federer
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Christmas Traditions with Author and Historian Bill Federer
Part 1 Christmas Carols and Their Origins. They tell the story of the Gospel - Bill gives us the history and background of these great carols of the faith.
Part 2 There Really is a Santa Clause- The history of St. Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra, Asia Minor, and modern-day Turkey, as well as the Christmas traditions that have been acquired over the years, their background and meaning.
Merry Christmas from the Ohio Christian Alliance!

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
75th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge Interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
75th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge Interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi
This week we observed the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, the last major German offensive of WWII. In mid-December 1944 along a quiet section of the Western Front in Belgium, Hitler and his generals pushed three German armies well-equipped with seasoned troops through the Allied lines. These American forces were resting from their long push across France from Normandy. Not yet fully supplied and without winter clothing, they faced the full fury of the German Army. Dr. Jerome Corsi's book "No Greater Valor" helps tell their story. We also discuss the importance that faith played as we review the prayer of General Patton's Chaplain. Tune in and tell a friend.

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Citizens in Medina Being Denied the Right to Vote
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Citizens in Medina Being Denied the Right to Vote
Citizens in Medina circulated a referendum petition on Ordinance 112-19, an LGBTQ special rights ordinance. They were told by Board of Elections officials that they were 44 signatures short, but 59 of the signatures were invalidated wrongly for what the Board termed "non-matching signature." When the citizens committee presented to the Board of Elections 47 sworn affidavits from the registered voters who had their signatures wrongly invalidated, Board officials arrogantly said they were doing nothing on the matter. The Ohio Christian Alliance and the Concerned Citizens of Medina City have now appealed directly to Secretary of State Frank LaRose. It is a matter of the integrity of the vote in the State of Ohio; we either have it or we don't. The committee now waits to see what the Secretary of State will do.

Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
SOGI Ordinances Challenge Religious Liberty. Communities Are Beginning to Fight Back
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
SOGI Ordinances Challenge Religious Liberty. Communities Are Beginning to Fight Back.
For those who are wondering what the fallout will be with transgenders using women's restrooms, there is a report from the UK. School girls are being forced to share the toilets with boys. Now the girls just simply won’t go to the bathroom during school hours, and are having serious physical problems as a result. The Ohio Christian Alliance along with other family policy groups will continue to bring you important developments and news on this cultural battlefront. It is not the fight we wanted, but it has been thrust upon us. And for the future of our children’s’ sake, we must engage the culture with reason, truth and decency. Joining us to discuss these new challenges to communities are Attorney Josh Brown and Pastor Al Davis.