Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Lawsuit to Remove WWI Memorial Cross Being Reviewed by the Supreme Court
The Bladensburg War Memorial, also known as the "Peace Cross" case is being heard by SCOTUS this week. Mat Staver and Liberty Counsel filed an Amicus brief in support of the cross. Today on the program, OCA attorney Josh Brown and Harry Hihet, Legal Affairs Chief at Liberty Counsel, share the history of the case and what the SCOTUS decision might mean if it goes against the military monument. Tune in and tell a friend.
Part 2: Encore presentation
Ohio Heartbeat Bill Receives Proponent Testimony in Ohio Senate Health Committee
S.B. 23, sponsored by Senator Kristina Roegner of Ohio's 27th District, received proponent testimony in the Senate Health Committee, chaired by Senator Dave Burke. OCA sponsored expert witness Dr. Cathi Aultman, Associate Scholar of the Lozier Institute, and board-certified OB/GYN and fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Her testimony was compelling as a former abortionist who is now solidly pro-life. Mark Harrington of Created Equal and Molly Smith, Executive Director of Cleveland Right to Life discuss the exciting developments in the progress of Ohio's Heartbeat Bill, S.B. 23.