Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Constitutional studies in the Ohio classroom: The audio testimony presented by OCA President Chris Long in the Primary and Secondary Education Committee held on Tuesday, May 26th before anyone knew what was happening in the outside world in relation to the George Floyd tragedy. Of special interest is the discussion with committee members as it relates to the importance of Constitutional studies and the rights of all men and women under the U.S. Constitution. Tune in and tell a friend.
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Protests, Riots, and the Anarchist Group ANTIFA- The Christian Response
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Protests, Riots, and the Anarchist Group ANTIFA- The Christian Response
Protests sparked in cities across America in response to the viral video of the arrest and death of George Floyd. What followed were protests that turned into riots and something more, orchestrated anarchy in the city streets of America by the well-funded organized domestic terrorist organization ANTIFA. In this program, we receive a detailed report of the tactics, funding, and organization of the group ANTIFA.
Part 2 Constitutional studies in the Ohio classroom. The audio testimony presented by OCA President Chris Long in the Primary and Secondary Education Committee held on Tuesday, May 26th before anyone knew what was happening in the outside world in relation to the George Floyd tragedy. Of special interest is the discussion with committee members as it relates to the importance of Constitutional studies and the rights of all men and women under the U.S. Constitution. Tune in and tell a friend.
Thursday May 21, 2020
A call to Save Constitutional Studies in the Ohio Classroom
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
A call to Save Constitutional Studies in the Ohio Classroom
H.B. 239, the reduce end-of-course assessments bill that is currently in the Primary and Secondary Education Committee in the Ohio House, threatens to kill the requirement of Constitutional studies in the Ohio classroom from grades 8-12. Ohio currently requires the teaching of the Founding American Documents of our Republic in all 88 school districts, with an end of course exam requirement that assures the subject matter will be taught. Here to discuss the urgency of this issue is Greg Lawson of the Buckeye Institute, a public policy think-tank in Columbus.
Anxiety, Depression, Isolation, Addiction Surge During COVID-19
Ohio is seeing a resurgence of opiate addiction and overdoses during the COVID-19 shutdown. People across the State of Ohio are experiencing isolation, anxiety, and depression, and unfortunately, some are turning to drug addiction and alcohol. Ohio made national news, as the Franklin County coroner reported a 50% increase in fatal overdoses from Jan -April 15. In April alone, the Coroner reported that 62 people had died from drug overdoses. This is just one county reporting. The concern is the numbers are just as high in other urban counties. Here to discuss the problem is Rev. Greg Delaney who serves on the Governor's task force for Recovery Ohio. Before COVID-19, Ohio was seeing reduced numbers in opiate addiction and overdoses. Unfortunately, we have had a serious setback. Greg discusses what the challenges are and what we can do to help.
Thursday May 14, 2020
Anxiety, Depression, Isolation, Addiction Surge During COVID-19
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Anxiety, Depression, Isolation, Addiction Surge During COVID-19
Ohio is seeing a resurgence of opiate addiction and overdoses during the COVID-19 shutdown. People across the State of Ohio are experiencing isolation, anxiety, and depression, and unfortunately, some are turning to drug addiction and alcohol. Ohio made national news, as the Franklin County coroner reported a 50% increase in fatal overdoses from Jan -April 15. In April alone, the Coroner reported that 62 people had died from drug overdoses. This is just one county reporting. The concern is the numbers are just as high in other urban counties. Here to discuss the problem is Rev. Greg Delaney who serves on the Governor's task force for Recovery Ohio. Before COVID-19, Ohio was seeing reduced numbers in opiate addiction and overdoses. Unfortunately, we have had a serious setback. Greg discusses what the challenges are and what we can do to help.
Part 2 - Encore presentation National Day of Prayer special program. Tune in and tell a friend.
Sunday May 10, 2020
Prayer on Purpose on TCT National Day of Prayer COVID- 19 special
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
Prayer on Purpose on TCT National Day of Prayer COVID- 19 special
CAA President Chris Long this week was on TCT national program Prayer on Purpose with Tom Nolan, giving an update on what churches are doing to congregate and stay in contact with their members, and a special word in relation to the National Day of Prayer and what God is speaking to the country and His church at this time.
Tune in and tell a friend.
Wednesday May 06, 2020
National Day of Prayer Special Broadcast
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
National Day of Prayer Special Broadcast
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people which are called by name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. On this week's broadcast, we have a special National Day of Prayer featured program. We look back forty years ago at one of the nation's largest evangelical prayer gatherings, Washington for Jesus on April 29, 1980, when over a half-million Christians gathered to fast, pray, and intercede for America. With the coronavirus health care crisis and our country at another crossroads, it is time to look back at what God did at a similar time in our nation's history. It is time for the Christian church to call upon the Name of the Lord to send his help and salvation. Join us as we pray.
Part 2 - Pastors Roundtable Discussion on Plans to Open Back up the Church after COVID-19 Shutdown
Pastor Frank Carl of Genoa Baptist Church in Westerville and Pastor Phil Fulton of Union Hill Church of Adams County, along with Pastor John T. Coats of the Metropolitan Church of God in Christ join the roundtable to discuss the various ways in which churches are taking their approaches to re-open after the COVID-19 shutdown. The pastors emphasize in the early-going to proceed with caution, protect the elderly and the most vulnerable among us
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Pastors Roundtable Discussion on Plans to Open Back up the Church after COVID-19 Shutdown
On this week's News in Focus, Pastor Frank Carl of Genoa Baptist Church in Westerville and Pastor Phil Fulton of Union Hill Church of Adams County, along with Pastor John T. Coats of the Metropolitan Church of God in Christ join the roundtable to discuss the various ways in which churches are taking their approaches to re-open after the COVID-19 shutdown. The pastors emphasize in the early-going to proceed with caution, protect the elderly and the most vulnerable among us.
Part 2 - Attorney General Dave Yost discusses First Amendment religious liberty issues during the COVID-19 shutdown. A.G. Dave Yost also gives us an update on the State's lawsuit in regard to closing down the Planned Parenthood abortion clinics during the COVID-19 shutdown. Tune in and tell a friend.
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Religious Liberties Under Attack-Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel Explains-Senate President Larry Obhof Discusses the Plan to Reopen Ohio
Mat Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel, discusses the religious liberty challenges that are cropping up all over the country during the COVID-19 shutdown. Mat and his legal team defended the Orlando pastor that was arrested for conducting services. Mat's team has also been working on the Mississippi case in which a mayor had the police fine each congregant $500 for attending a drive-in service. Mat's team has also been challenging Kentucky Governor Beshear's order to track the license plates of church attendees, ordering them into 14-day quarantine. Tune in and tell a friend.
Part 2 - Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof discusses the plan to reopen Ohio. Senate Pres. Obhof stated that the Ohio Senate will be meeting sometime in the next two weeks. Time to get Ohio open and going again.
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Pressure is Building to Reopen Ohio's Economy
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Pressure is Building to Reopen Ohio's Economy
Members of the Ohio General Assembly are hearing from their constituents of just how great a toll this COVID-19 closure is having on their personal lives and businesses. State Senator Steve Huffman has written a letter concerning the numbers projection. State Rep. Todd Smith has written a letter to the Governor detailing the severe problems that businesses are having in his district. Speaker Larry Householder has convened an economic task force to address the issues and to set forth a plan for reopening Ohio. Here to talk about it in detail is State Senator Andy Brenner from Ohio's 19th District. What most are saying is that now that we've flattened the curve, let's reopen Ohio for business before the economic damage becomes catastrophic.
Part 2 - Encore presentation with Senator Rob Portman as he discusses the CARES Act, passed by Congress, that will provide financial relief to individuals, families, nonprofits, and small businesses. Senator Portman breaks down how financial relief is being provided in the CARES Act recently passed by Congress. He discusses the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses and how it works. Tune in and tell a friend.
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Relief is on its way through the CARES Act as U.S. Senator Portman explains
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Relief is on its way through the CARES Act as U.S. Senator Portman explains
This week on News in Focus we discuss the CARES Act, passed by Congress, that will provide financial relief to individuals, families, nonprofits, and small businesses. Senator Portman breaks down how financial relief is being provided in the CARES Act recently passed by Congress. He discusses the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses and how it works. Tune in and tell a friend.
Part 2 - Pastors Roundtable Discussion - What some churches around the state are doing for Easter Sunday morning services. Pastor Rodney Lord of Freedom Gate Church, Marietta OH, explains how three churches are coming together on Sunday in a drive-in-style gathering on Sunday to conduct a community Easter Sunday Morning service. Pastor Dana Gammill of Cathedral of Life in Canton will also have a drive-in outdoor service as three churches are joining together in Canton to celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Pastor Jerry O'Brien of Faith Harvest Fellowship of Orrville shares how the social distancing shut down of public services has been both a challenge and an opportunity for the church to connect with one another. Without question, this has been a time of challenge for the church throughout the state of Ohio. Let's continue to pray for the Body of Christ through these difficult times.